Saturday, September 06, 2008


If I were a believer
Shall hate subside?
For the hated reach forth to cleanse the wound
Shall the wars end?
For peace begs another chance
Will time look back?
At horizons surpassed
To explain the mystic rituals

If I were a believer
Shall the tyranny conjured
Recede in the serene calm of acceptance
For a noble birth is no excuse
For a suppressed new life elsewhere
Shall belief stick by me?
In a moment of uncertainty
Shall courage stick by me?
In a moment of fear

If I were a believer
Is it worth a moment of belief?
To let reason fall prey
To a flight of fancy ?
Shall the soft voices of reason
Uttering the words
“Did thou create the divine?
Or the divine create thou”
Be answered?



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